

Summary of No.1 - No.4

Through reading the texts of Immanuel Kant and Gilles Deleuze, I summarize the problem of the recognition as followed.I've tried to translate my idea in English as followed, but it might have the mistakes. Hope to have your corrections and advice.

When you recognize the object, the thing which is recognized by us is not already pure.

The thing which is brought to us is recognized as "This is A." But this recognition doesn't reserve the purity.

Using the recognition "This is A" as the material, based on such recognition, person X understands, judges, or reasons out something, which will form the structure, that is, faculty of cognition.

The thing which enable us to recognize is not the pure sense. The way person X edit the informations is based on the faculty of cognition which has been formed within the person.

The faculty of cognition is formed from the recognition, and based on that faculty of cognition, the recognition is defined and limited.

The problem here is the point that the faculty of cognition of person X distorts or makes up his recognitions to advantage itself. In this situation, the recognition of the person is shut down from the object, and closed within itself, that is, dogmatism.

Suppose the case that there are another person, person Y, who recognizes the object, forms the recognition of the object and understands, judges, or reasons out something in the same way.

In this case, even both comes from the same object, there is the gap between the recognition of person X, recognition A, and the recognition of person Y, recognition B.

This will cause the contradiction between the judgements of activities based on the recognition A and B.

If you can't solve this problem, people falls into the continuous hatred or battle.

How can you solve this problem?

  1. Person X and person Y both try to form their own cognitions separate from their own faculties of cognition in their own way.

    • You can't achieve this by halves. It is not so easy to deny the recognition which imparts a sense of reality.

    • Relativism or nihilism canŐt solve this problem. They make the recognition relative, objective by halves, and stop there without realizing it.

    • Person X and Y both have to reach the point where they can't believe their absoluteness in their own way, that is, "the limit of its extent" or "the body without organs."

      But you can stay as the body without organs only within the world of solipsism. You never live in the real world in this way.

  2. Based on the common principle, unify the faculties of cognition including those of person X and Y, and avoid the contradiction.

    • In spite of the good appearance, this is a quite dangerous way, such as fascism.

    • Once common principle was established, it will become outdated under the conditions. As it is controlled and limited by the common principle, you can't have the moment to change the principle by themselves, which result to the reckless running of the of the principle, that is, dogmatism.

  3. The third way (followed by the process of 1.)

    • Not the escape from the faculty of cognition, but on condition that you are limited by the structure, shake it, liberate it from itself.

    • To do this, try to explore the sense and thought which form the structure, faculty of cognition.

I will try to look for the third way further.

(To be continued)

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