[ Requirements & Terms ]


Trains run on any web-browser now with JavaScript.

History of web-browser

Files in the Kit

Text HTML with JavaScript Program These are the main files of the Train Kit.
HTML (user's manual) In "manual" folder.
CSS (for user's manual)
Pictures GIF Trains, most of sceneries and controler pictures.
PNG Background pictures.

Terms - the Programs in the Kit

Free, but Linkware.
No permission to republish it.*
* After Opaku's death, you can republish it with the credit of "Opaku's made".
* If you translate the program to other language, you can republish only translated files with the link to official kit site on your download page.
* There is the special permission to republish it on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM appended with railroad magazine.
Use only on the non-profit web-site.
If you use the Kit on the net, please link to Opaku's website from your website.
http://www.mars.dti.ne.jp/~opaku/zigzag/railway/ (Japanese version of the Kit)
http://www.mars.dti.ne.jp/~opaku/zigzag/railway/e/ (English version of the Kit)

The banner for link.
It is NOT an obligation to use the banner.

Terms - the Pictures in the Kit

Scenery Pictures :
* Use only for the Opaku's Train Kit. Never use for another purpose.

Complete Car and Locomotive Picture :
* DRG T18-1001 above (included in the basic set.) runs int the scene No.311 in the top-left frame.

* Use only for the Opaku's Train Kit. Never use for another purpose.
(Only on your local computer, it is silently permitted to use the pictures for screensaver.)
* No permission to use only Opaku's Pictures on the net. You have to put Your Train Pictures on the rail together.
* If you want to product and release your remodeling picture based on Opaku's picture, you have to add a credit "Remodeling of Opaku's picture" somewhere in your page.
* Permission to product and release the remodeling pictures only for the Opaku's Train Kit. Never distribute for another purpose.

Sample Car Picture :

* Never use these pictures on the net because these are only the samples, not complete pictures.
* But your remodeling pictures based on these sample pictures can use on the net.
* If you want to product and release your remodeling picture, you have to add a credit "Remodeling of Opaku's picture" somewhere in your page.
* Permission to product and release the remodeling pictures only for the Opaku's Train Kit. Never distribute for another purpose.


I disclaim any complaint of the trouble on the Kit.

About Questions.

Sorry, I can't answer your questions as a general rule. I have not enough skills in English to answer.

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