[ Study of Web Railroads ]

[ Web Railroad ]
Railroad scenes with running trains on web pages.

Opaku's method.

♦ JavaScript

* Web railroad system that can download from this site.
* Most of Train Kit programs have backward compatibility. Trains run on even if Netscape 4 (1997) or old IE (IE4 - IE8, Mac IE5).

Other ways for moving train on your web page.

♦ JavaScript
Powered by JavaScript
* If you can write script-code, you don't need Train Kit.
* This sample has very simple code without backward compatibility.
<< < > >>
* Simple JavaScript sample controler.

♦ Marquee
Powered by Marquee
* Simple way positioned by CSS.

* Simple way positioned by table tag.
* When using table, you can't set foreground picture on the scene.

* Simple way without background picture.
< >
* Marquee sample controler.
* Controlable in IE, but other browser....

♦ Animated GIF
Powered by Animated GIF
* Easy way but you need very many frames to move smoothly.
* This sample has 25 frames. If smooth moving, you need over 250 frames.
* You can use under 256 colors in Animated GIF.

♦ Animated PNG Firefox / Safari / Chrome 59- / Edge (Chromium)
Powered by Animated PNG
* This sample has 25 frames as same as animated GIF above.
* You can use full colors, but not animated on IE or older browsers.

♦ HTML+Time IE5 - IE8 - gone technique
Powered by HTML+Time
* Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions for HTML.
* Moving only on IE5 - IE8. It was abandonend.

♦ CSS3 Animation IE10 -

* HTML5 + CSS3. Not run before IE9.

♦ Canvas IE9 -

* HTML5 + CSS3. Not show before IE8.
* With train color changer. click green or red circle button.

♦ Inline SVG IE9 -

* Scaleble Vector Graphics.
* HTML5 + CSS3. Not show before IE8.
* With train color changer.
* SVG clock is in No.1577.

♦ WebGL IE9 -

* Web Graphics Library.
* HTML5 + CSS3. Not show before IE8.
* WebGL is Javascript library for 3D graphics on web browser. But this is 2D scene. It's a wrong way....

♦ Flash - gone technique (Alternative PNG image)
alternative PNG image
* This is not movingFlash sample, but alternative static PNG image.
* Flash dies in Jan. 2021.

♦ Java (Applet) - gone technique

* No Samples.
* There were Web Railroads by Java Applet in 1990's. But now we can't find them on the web.
* Chrome 42 or later, and Firefox 52 or later, Java Applet Plug-in is eliminated because of security risk.

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